Uziyah was originally from San Angelo, and he was attending Robb and one of the things that I just kept hearing and hearing about Uziyah was how many friends he had. Uziyah was friends with everyone. As a matter of fact, a lot of the kids that I would meet at the mural site would ask me specifically about Uziyah’s.

Monica Maldonado

Richard Samuel’s Artist Statement

My Brother

I'm not even sure where to start. The emotion and experience that comes with being a part of a project like Healing Uvalde is life-changing. It’s an opportunity I dropped everything for. I was perfectly matched up to paint Uziyah. A beautiful soul whom I had so much in common with. I learned we both love spiderman, and gaming, are very athletic, love sports, and express unwavering loyalty and love to our loved ones. It was almost as if we were one in a parallel universe. Meeting Uziyah's family, hearing their beautiful memories, and also reconnections through dreams provided me with all the inspiration possible to complete the mural. The amount of appreciation the town of Uvalde had for this project is mind-blowing. Literally, every 5 minutes painting, another car passed by thanking us, asking if we needed water or food. Some cried, some smiled, and some shared beautiful stories. By the time I was ready to leave Uvalde, I realized that this is the best thing I've ever done in my life.  I hope my little brothers in heaven welcomed him with open arms because he's one with us. Gone but never forgotten.